At Brentwood Primary Care, we are proud to offer same-day appointments with our board-certified family physician, Dr. Khatri. Located at 6600 Lone Tree Way, Brentwood, CA, our office provides convenient and quick access to quality primary care services for all of your healthcare needs.
What We Offer:
At Brentwood Primary Care, we understand the importance of providing quality care in a timely manner. That’s why we offer same-day appointments with Dr. Khatri for urgent matters as well as routine checkups and preventative visits. In addition to Dr. Khatri’s expertise in family medicine, she also specializes in holistic and integrative treatments to treat a variety of chronic illnesses or ailments.
Our goal is to provide you with the highest standard of medical care that is tailored to fit your unique needs. We strive to make sure that each visit is comfortable and efficient while making sure that you get the best possible medical advice available in a friendly environment. In addition, our practice offers online patient portals so you can securely access your medical records anytime from the comfort of your own home!
Why Choose Brentwood Primary Care?
At Brentwood Primary Care, we provide comprehensive primary care services for all ages and stages of life—from infants to seniors—in a safe and caring environment for both insured and uninsured patients alike. Our knowledgeable staff strives to provide personalized attention in every visit by taking into account not only physical health but also mental well-being and lifestyle habits that may affect overall health outcomes. We also offer a range of value added services such as nutrition counseling, mental health counseling, health screenings, vaccinations, lab tests & studies (including blood tests), immunizations & more!
See The Doctor Today
For quality healthcare services with convenient same-day appointments please consider visiting Brentwood Primary Care where Dr. Khatri is ready to help you achieve optimal wellness! Whether it's an urgent matter or routine checkup & preventive care – we are here for you! Contact us today at (925) 471-4223 or book an appointment on our website. We look forward to meeting you!